I share my experience of living in Russia and visiting other Post-Soviet countries like Ukraine and Georgia. Some laconic notes and photos of people, events, places and my views on news most discussed among Russian bloggers and in Russian-speaking Internet in whole. Politics, life and fun.

What is South Ossetia (Tskhinvali region)

South Ossetia is a depopulated, highly militarized rural area in the core of Georgia full to the brim by Russian soldiers and weapons. South Ossetia is de facto under Russian control and de jure a part of Georgia.

Militarization of South Ossetia per head is one of the highest in the world. According to estimate of Andrei Illarionov, an ex-councilor of Putin, for example, South Ossetia takes first place in the world on tanks per head list left behind Israel and North Korea. In spite of this South Ossetian rebels exist only because of Kremlin protection.

All weapon is brought to the region by Russia that uses the South Ossetia rebel government to hide under this fasade its own direct military and diplomatic pressure on Georgia.

Population of South Ossetia is under 18 thousands (ex-Defence Minister of South Ossetia's data) that 4.5 times less than before the conflict (90 thousands people in 1989). Most of people of South Ossetia are either political or economical refugees.

In August 2008 the rebel government headed pro-Kremlin leader Kokoity being protected by the 58th Russian army inflicted ethnic cleansing resulted about 20 thousand people of Georgian ethnicity lost their homes which were pillaged and destructed. Kokoity admitted Georgian villages cleaned out and refugees will never return.

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