Soviet Tile Picture of the Socialist Brotherhood. Friendly and Happy!
I visited Georgia this year so I have huge pile of photos which I am going to share in the blog. Here you see a very hot Post-Soviet photo! This is a damaged tile picture near former Soviet scout camp in Tskhvarichamia locality (Soviet scouts were called Pioneers). The subjest is representatives of the Soviet nations in traditional costumes. The 15 friendly and happy girls and boys are standing with bouquets and the socialist flags. Georgian refugees from Abkhazia live in the camp now. There are some more marvelous tile pictures of Pioneer subjects.
You can find Tskhvarichamia on the road Tbilisi - Tianeti. Buses go from the Didube subway station (Tbilisi). The tile pictures are 1-2 km before the locality.
Walk from the place to Tbilisi and you will find fabulous nature here especially of 4-5 km from the tile pictures. I will show the nature photos later. There is beautiful Medievel monastery on a mountain close to Tbilisi border also.